Commissar of Internal Affairs
Comrade Sauce
Commissar of Defence
Akken Novikov
Commissar of Foreign Affairs
Joseph Stalin
Commissar of Finance
Political Bureau of the CPUCR
Joesph Stalin,ComradeV, Starschwar, Comrade Sauce
Descriptions of Treaty names
Union of Communist Republics :: Public Area :: Union of Communist Republics Information Center :: Treaties of the Union of Communist Repulics
Descriptions of Treaty names
-Signatory alliances agree to peaceful coexistence, to share intelligence as necessary, and to provide aid under certain circumstances.
NAP= Non Aggression Pact
-Just as it sounds
ODP= Optional Defense Pact
-When one signatory is attacked, they may request the other to come to their aid and it is up to the other to decide.
MDP= Mutual Defense Pact
-When one signatory is attacked, the other is obligated to come to its defense.
MDoAP= Mutual Defense and Optional Aggression Pact
-When one signatory is attacked, the other is obligated to come to its defense, and when one signatory attacks another alliance, the other may do so at their discretion.
MDAP= Mutual Defense and Aggression Pact
-When one signatory is attacked, the other is obligated to come to its defense, and when one signatory attacks another alliance, the other is obligated to attack as well.
DMT= Dual-Membership Treaty
-Members of signatory alliances are treated as members of both. Typically implies an MDAP as well.
Blocs are simply a treaty that has more than one signatory.
Union of Communist Republics :: Public Area :: Union of Communist Republics Information Center :: Treaties of the Union of Communist Repulics